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Foundation Launches the 1st Lin Yao Ji International Competition for Composition
01/07/2012 (Sun)

1 July 2012 - The Lin Yao Ji Music Foundation of China (LYJ Music Foundation) is proud to launch its first international competition for music composition.

The objective of the Competition is to encourage the creation of new compositions featuring the violin and ensembles with violin, and to advance young composers showing outstanding musicality and innovation.

The Competition is open to composers of all nationalities aged 40 or under on 31 October 2012. The winning compositions of the respective Categories will be recommended for presentation at public concerts by renowned violin virtuoso Li Chuan Yun and/or in major chamber music events to be staged in Beijing and Hong Kong in 2013.

Members of the Adjudication Panel include renowned composers and pedagogues Professors Chen Yi, Steven Stucky, and Victor Chan.

The submission deadline for the Competition is 31 October 2012. For more details about the Competition, please click here.

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